I'm on day 3 of the cold turkey quit. So far........misery. No seriously, its been like constant anxiety attacks. Yesterday was the worst but today has been alright. Everything was driving me crazy yesterday. And I couldn't stop crying. Seriously... bad times. But Yeah, today is going better. I thought the cravings were gonna be the worst today, but its about the same as before. Hopefully they go away completely soon. The nicotine is suppose to be out of your system in 3 days of not smoking [or chewing if thats what you prefer] I haven't given in at all. 3 days of 0 cigarettes. Yay for me! I've came very close to giving in but I'm still hangin in there. I kinda feel like a crack head.....I mean I've never smoked crack or anything like that before, but I've seen people who have and that's kind of how I feel. Spazzed out. But I've been drinking the normal amount of coffee that I always drink and I read that you only need like 1/2 the caffeine you had when you smoked. So maybe thats why I'm tweaking out, lol. I can't help it thought, there isn't enough things to keep me busy and keep my mind of smoking. So I've been drinking coffee and chewing gum and well tryin to keep my hands busy. Maybe I'll go paint or something now.
Yeah that's about enough of my non sense. Anyone out there in the process of quitting, I'm feel your pain!!!
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