Just finished reading "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer. AWESOME book! It took about 2 days to read it, lol. I could not put it down. Thank you Stephanie for writing such an amazing story. I went to get "New Moon" (the 2nd book in the series) but they're all out. :(
I watched the movie when I was done reading the book and I do have to say that for all the hipe and whatnot about the movie, it was not anywhere near as good as they all say it is or as good as the book. I know that all movies made from books are never as good because they can't really fit the entire book in a movie and it's written a little differently, but I really think they could have done a lot better with Twilight. The actor who plays Edward is not good looking at all and that character is suppose to be the "most beautiful man in the world". He was not even close and his acting skills were meh. Some parts were just cheezy to me also. I don't know, I wish someone would make a movie at least almost as good as a book is written someday. Until then I guess I'll just have to lower my standards :/
For anyone who hasn't read Twilight, I highly reccomend it! Go get it right now!!