In the last week we've had a ton of rain. On Wednesday 1/7, we had over 6 inches just in that day. We live right next to a river that was over its flood stage and also near a field that is known for flooding with just a little bit of rain. So the rain on Wednesday over did it all. The field as well as the high school across from the field completely flooded and covered the highway between the both of them. My family and I were evacuated Thursday at 2:30 in the morning. We were told to go to the expo center in the town 10 miles south, but we ended up going to my sister's in that town. We came home the next day, having to go 36 miles out of the way to get back; and our house was safe. The River didn't flood enough to get over the hill behind us. But it did flood enough to cause a ton of damage in this area. Here are some pictures of the aftermath of floods and mudslides. (some of them blurry cause they were taken with my phone). Mother Nature can be brutal!